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.scroll .first,
.scroll .last {
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.scroll .first {
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.scroll .last {
    animation: ani-last 10s infinite linear 0.1s both;

@keyframes ani-first {
    0% {
        transform: translateX(0%);

    100% {
        transform: translateX(-100%);

@keyframes ani-last {
    0% {
        transform: translateX(0%);

    100% {
        transform: translateX(-100%);



<div class="scroll">
		<a href="#about">
	<!-- /.scroll -->


.scroll {
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    a {

      &:after {
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        transform-origin: top;
        background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);

      &:before {
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      &:after {
        transform: scaleY(0);
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@keyframes anim-scroll {

0% {
    transform: scaleY(0)

  35% {
    transform: scaleY(1);
    transform-origin: top

  40% {
    transform-origin: bottom

  50% {
    transform: scaleY(1)

  85% {
    transform: scaleY(0);
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  100% {
    transform-origin: top



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 <div class="tab active">
 <div class="tab">
 <div class="tab">
<div class="content-area">
 <div class="content show">
 <div class="content">
 <div class="content">


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    display: flex;
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  .tab.active {
    background-color: #000;
    color: #fff;
.content-area {
  .content {
    display: none;
  .content.show {
    display: block;


$(function () {
  let tabs = $(".tab");
  $(".tab").on("click", function () {
    const index = tabs.index(this);




(function() {
  var domainsToDecorate = [
          'domain1.com', //add or remove domains (without https or trailing slash)
      queryParams = [
          'utm_medium', //add or remove query parameters you want to transfer
  // do not edit anything below this line
  var links = document.querySelectorAll('a'); 

// check if links contain domain from the domainsToDecorate array and then decorates
  for (var linkIndex = 0; linkIndex < links.length; linkIndex++) {
      for (var domainIndex = 0; domainIndex < domainsToDecorate.length; domainIndex++) { 
          if (links[linkIndex].href.indexOf(domainsToDecorate[domainIndex]) > -1 && links[linkIndex].href.indexOf("#") === -1) {
              links[linkIndex].href = decorateUrl(links[linkIndex].href);
// decorates the URL with query params
  function decorateUrl(urlToDecorate) {
      urlToDecorate = (urlToDecorate.indexOf('?') === -1) ? urlToDecorate + '?' : urlToDecorate + '&';
      var collectedQueryParams = [];
      for (var queryIndex = 0; queryIndex < queryParams.length; queryIndex++) {
          if (getQueryParam(queryParams[queryIndex])) {
              collectedQueryParams.push(queryParams[queryIndex] + '=' + getQueryParam(queryParams[queryIndex]))
      return urlToDecorate + collectedQueryParams.join('&');

  // borrowed from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/831030/
  // a function that retrieves the value of a query parameter
  function getQueryParam(name) {
      if (name = (new RegExp('[?&]' + encodeURIComponent(name) + '=([^&]*)')).exec(window.location.search))
          return decodeURIComponent(name[1]);



<video id="video01" src="movie.mp4" autoplay muted loop controls playsinline></video>
<div class="control">
<divid="play" class="hidden"><iclass="fa fa-play"></i></div>
<divid="stop"><iclass="fa fa-pause"></i></div>
<divid="mute"><iclass="fa fa-volume-off"></i><iclass="fa fa-volume-up hidden"></i></div>
<!-- /.control -->
    $(function() {
        // 操作対象のvideoを指定
        var video = $('#video01').get(0);
        // 動画の再生 
        $('#play').click(function() {
        // 動画の一時停止
        $('#stop').click(function() {
        // 動画の頭出し(任意の秒へ移動)
        $('#atama').click(function() {
            video.currentTime = 0; // 入れた秒の位置へ移動(例は0秒)
        // 音声ミュート(トグル式)
        $('#mute').click(function() {
            if (video.muted) {
                video.muted = false;
                $('#mute .fa-volume-off').addClass('hidden');
                $('#mute .fa-volume-up').removeClass('hidden');
            } else {
                video.muted = true;
                $('#mute .fa-volume-off').removeClass('hidden');
                $('#mute .fa-volume-up').addClass('hidden');
        $('#vol-up').click(function() {
            if (video.volume &lt;= 0.75) {
                video.volume = video.volume + 0.25;
        $('#vol-down').click(function() {
            video.volume = video.volume - 0.25;


<div class="link">
  <a href="#">
    <div class="text">LINK</div>
    <div class="line"></div>
.link a {
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  display: block;
  font-size: 14px;
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  overflow: hidden;
  padding: 0 0 8px;
  position: relative;
  width: fit-content;

.link a .line {
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  width: 100%;

.link a .line:before {
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  transition: transform 0.6s cubic-bezier(0.45, 0.25, 0.15, 1);
  transition: transform 0.6s cubic-bezier(0.45, 0.25, 0.15, 1), -webkit-transform 0.6s cubic-bezier(0.45, 0.25, 0.15, 1);
  -webkit-transform-origin: 100% 50%;
  -ms-transform-origin: 100% 50%;
  transform-origin: 100% 50%;
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  -ms-transform: scale(0, 1);
  transform: scale(0, 1);
  content: '';
  display: block;
  height: 100%;
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  left: 0;
  background-color: rgba(77,77,77,1);
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  transform: scale(0,1);

.link a:hover .line:before {
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  -ms-transform-origin: 0% 50%;
  transform-origin: 0% 50%;
  -webkit-transform: scale(1, 1);
  -ms-transform: scale(1, 1);
  transform: scale(1, 1);


<div class="group">
  <div class"image"><img src="画像ファイル"></div>
  <div class"image"><img src="画像ファイル"></div>
  <div class"image"><img src="画像ファイル"></div>
.group {
    display: flex;

.group .image {
    position: relative;

.group .image::before {
    content: '';
    display: block;
    padding-top: 100%;
.group .image img {
    border: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,1);
    height: 100%;
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    width: 100%;
.group .image img {
    background: rgba(255,255,255,1);
    object-fit: contain;


  jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
    if (window.matchMedia('(min-width: 768px)').matches) { //切り替える画面サイズ
        url: '<?php echo esc_url( get_template_directory_uri() ); ?>/js/pc.js',
        dataType: 'script',
        cache: false
    } else {
        url: '<?php echo esc_url( get_template_directory_uri() ); ?>/js/sp.js',
        dataType: 'script',
        cache: false